Notwithstanding the generality of the terms of use, these terms and conditions specifically apply to the delivery services are to be read in consonance with the terms of use.

A. Delivery Services:
i. The pickup & drop services allow for users to connect with delivery partners and non-tied up merchants, to fulfill tasks raised by such users, including, tasks to purchase, pick up and drop items the “user items” from non-tied up merchant locations “pick-up location” and to drop to another location“drop location”, each a “delivery task”. It is expressly clarified that ShopCardd merely acts as a technology platform to facilitate delivery tasks initiated on the platform and ShopCardd does not assume any responsibility or liability for any form of deficiency of services on part of the non-tied up merchants or the delivery partner.
ii. Upon initiation of a request for a delivery task, depending upon the availability and acceptance of the delivery partner, a delivery partner is assigned to such task. The delivery partner shall send photos of the user items on the platform “user item pictures” along with the corresponding value on the platform for user confirmation. Users are instructed to cautiously review and confirm the users item pictures prior to initiating payment. User confirmation of the user item pictures shall be relied upon by the ShopCardd in case any dispute is raised between a user and the delivery partner. In case, the user item picturesis different from the user item listed on the platform, users should immediately reach out to the assigned delivery partner and request them to share the correct user item pictures. User confirmation to a user item picture shall be construed as a deemed acceptance for the modified/different user item.

B. In using the delivery services, the users understand, agree, acknowledge and accept that:
i.The delivery partners’ engagement with ShopCardd is on a principal to principal, non-exclusive and voluntary basis. No control is exercised by ShopCardd on the delivery partners and there is no employer-employee relationship between ShopCardd and the delivery partners.
ii.Acceptance of a delivery task by a delivery partner shall constitute an independent contractual arrangement for services between users and the delivery partner.
iii. ShopCardd is not responsible for any non-performance or breach of any delivery task by the delivery partners. ShopCardd does not guarantee the performance of any delivery task by the users or the delivery partners respectively, of any delivery task initiated on the platform.
iv. ShopCardd is not a retail store, restaurant, food delivery service, merchandise delivery service, a courier or shipping service or food preparation entity. ShopCardd operates an online marketplace and does not at any point of time during any transaction hold any right, title or interest over the items being transported pursuant to any delivery task.
v. The pick-up location and the drop location have been voluntarily added by the user on the platform, and the user’s location data is collected in accordance with the terms of use and privacy policy.
vi. Users are aware of the items to be transported through a delivery task, and that delivery tasks cannot be initiated, for items which are illegal, hazardous, dangerous, or otherwise restricted or constitute items which are prohibited by any statute or law or regulation. Such items include, but are not limited to, radio-active, incendiary, corrosive or flammable substances, hazardous chemicals, explosives, firearms or parts thereof and ammunition, firecrackers, cyanides, precipitates, gold and silver ore, bullion, precious metals and stones, jewelry, semi-precious stones including commercial carbons or industrial diamonds, currency (paper or coin) of any nationality, securities (including stocks and bonds, share certificates and blank signed share transfer forms), coupons, stamps, negotiable instruments in bearer form, cashier’s cheques, travellers’ cheques, money orders, passports, credit/debit/{ATM} cards, antiques, works of art, lottery tickets and gambling devices, livestock, fish, insects, animals, pla nts and plant material, human corpses, organs or body parts,blood, urine and other liquid diagnostic specimens, hazardous or bio-medical waste, wet ice, pornographic materials, contraband, bottled alcoholic beverages or any intoxicant or narcotics and psychotropic substances. vii. Delivery tasks cannot be raised for dispatch of items which require a special transportation permit or require any special license under applicable law.
vii. Upon becoming aware of the commission any offence or intention to commit any offence during a delivery task, delivery partners may report such information to the law enforcement authorities.
ix. The delivery partner shall upon reaching the non-tied up merchant outlet shall intimate users about the user item price and users shall be required to confirm the purchase of the user items. Users shall make the payment for the same to complete the transaction.

While availing delivery service, users shall pay the purchase price of the user items through the platform, as may be communicated by the delivery partner on behalf of the non- tied up merchant. Only upon processing such an agreed amount via platform, shall the delivery partner purchase the user items and complete the delivery service.

Delivery tasks are not entitled to be cancelled once confirmed on the platform. Cancellation post confirmation shall be subject to a cancellation fee as indicated to you on the platform.