Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for usages of services

A) Posting content on the Platform:
a. You shall be required to log on using your registered mobile number/ username/email address/any social media like, Google and face book account and password b. You may upload/post: (i) content that either was created by you entirely or legally belongs to you, or you have a legally valid license which permits you to upload/post the content; or (ii) your reviews, comments, reactions, etc., to specific content on the platform (the content/information covered under (i) and (ii) above, the “Content”), and if in the event we suffer any loss or damages on account of the Content you have uploaded/posted belonging to another party or such Content violating or infringing the rights of any party, you shall be liable to indemnify us for such loss and damages; c. By uploading/posting any Content, and in consideration of you using the services, you automatically constitute you granting a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferrable, worldwide license to ShopCardd to (a) use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, transmit and display such Content (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, mode of delivery or technology now known or later developed, (b) display online or offline your Content (or part thereof, or any modification, adaptation, translation or derivative works thereof) online and offline and permit others (including without limitation ShopCardd’s co-brand partners) to do the same, and (c) permit other users to access, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, prepare derivative works of, and publicly perform your content via the Services, as may be permitted by the functionality of those Services (e.g., for users to share, re-blog, re-post or download your content). Further, the license you have granted to us as aforesaid shall not lapse notwithstanding that we have not used, distributed, displayed, published, or adapted/modified any of the Content for any duration. d. You shall, under no circumstances, upload any Content that, i. Belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right ii. Is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner. iii. Harm minors in any way. iv. Infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights. v. Violates any law for the time being in force. vi. Deceives or misleads the reader/viewer about the origin of any information, or contains any information that is grossly offensive or menacing in nature; vii. Impersonate another person. viii. Contain software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that is designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; ix. Threatens the unity, integrity, defense security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation. e. While ShopCardd does not make any editorial determination about the Content to be displayed and made accessible on the platform, f. If: (i) we receive any notice or communication that any Content or any part of the Content belongs to a party who has not consented to such content being uploaded and accessible on the Platform or that it is volatile of the rights of any person who has not consented to such Content being uploaded and accessible on the Platform. (ii) it comes to our attention that any of the Content violates these Terms, we shall be entitled to remove such content/block public access to such content either temporarily or permanently, subject to the provisions of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, and the Information Technology Act, 2000, and as we deem fit or in compliance with the orders or directions of the court (if applicable) and we shall have the right, at our discretion, to remove your account, and in either case you shall have no right to make any claims against us for removing or blocking such Content. g. you understand that we act as a technological platform providing incidental, transient storage of the content uploaded by you for the purpose of electronic transmission to and access by members of the general public as understood under the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 and as an intermediary as understood under the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000. h. You shall be solely responsible for safeguarding your login details including username and password and that we shall have no liability whatsoever.

B) Authority:
You agree that you are permitted to use the Services under applicable law. If you are accessing an account(s) on behalf of the account owner (e.g., as an administrator, consultant, analyst, etc.), the Terms apply to your activities on behalf of the account owner.

C) Age:
If you are under the age of majority as per the laws of our country of residence {Minimum Age} you may not register for an account. ShopCardd does not include any age inappropriate. User data is processed by ShopCardd, through verification and other internal checks, in a manner that both protects any user information as well as advances the best interests of children. Parents/adult guardians are required to monitor or regulate the content being viewed by their wards that have not attained the Minimum Age. Parental control tools available from third party vendors, service providers/retailers might be useful in this regard. It shall also be responsibility of parents or adult guardians to ensure that their wards do not view Content that is not appropriate for them.

D) Member Conduct:
You agree not to use the services to, i. Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the services or to ShopCardd’s servers, systems, network, or data. ii. Make available any content that is harmful to children, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. iii. Violate any applicable laws or regulations. iv. Impersonate any person or entity, or forge or manipulate headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Product & Service. v. Make available any Content that you do not have the right to make available or that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any person or entity. vi. Post Content containing advertisements or other commercial solicitations without our prior written permission. vii. Make available viruses or any other computer code, files, programs or Content designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Services or affect other users. viii. Interfere with or disrupt the Products & Services or servers, systems or networks connected to the products & services in any way.

Use of Product & Services:
You must follow any guidelines or policies associated with the use of the Products & Services. You must not misuse or interfere with the Products & Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide. You may use the Products & Services only as permitted by law. Unless otherwise expressly stated, you may not access or reuse the Products & Services, or any portion thereof, for any commercial purpose. Without our express written consent, you may not (a) use any automated means to access the Platform or collect any information from the Platform including without limitation robots, spiders or scripts, or (b) frame the Platform or any part thereof, place pop-up windows over the Platform or any part thereof pages, or otherwise affect the display of part or area of the Platform.
Anti-Corruption Laws. You agree to comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws including laws that prohibit unlawful payments to anyone for a corrupt purpose in relation to these Terms.

Ownership and Reuse:
Subject to these Terms, using the Products & Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual or other property rights or interests in the Products Services or the Content you access. You must not use any branding or logos used in the Products & Services unless ShopCardd has given you separate explicit written permission. You may not remove, obscure, or alter any legal notices displayed on the Platform or in relation to any Content. Unless you have explicit written permission, you must not reproduce, modify, rent, lease, sell, trade, distribute, transmit, broadcast, publicly perform, create derivative works based on, or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Content or use of, or access to, the Products & Services including Content, advertisements, APIs, and software.

Unless otherwise expressly stated, ShopCardd does not promise to provide you with any support for the Products & Services. If ShopCardd does provide you with support, it is at ShopCardd’s sole discretion and does not mean that we will continue to provide you with support in the future. Products & Services Membership Fee. ShopCardd reserves the right to charge fees for use of or access to the Product & Services and any associated support, whether currently in existence or not, in ShopCardd’s sole discretion. If ShopCardd decides to charge fees ShopCardd’s payment terms will apply and ShopCardd will provide you with prior notice.

Anti-Abuse Policy:
ShopCardd prohibits sending unsolicited emails or messages using the Product & Services. You may not in connection with the Products & Services engage in commercial activity on non-commercial properties or apps or high volume activity without ShopCardd’s prior written consent. You may not engage in conduct or activity that is disruptive to the Products & Services or the experience of other users.

Your Account Notices:
You may need an account to use some Products & Services. You must ensure that your account information that is, the information you provided when you registered for membership or subscribed to a product & Service, remains current, complete, accurate and truthful. All ShopCardd accounts are non-transferable, except product benefits, and any rights to them terminate upon the account holder’s death. In order to create an account we may collect and keep possession of personal information such as your name, email address/social media accounts, user name and your password {“Personal Data”}. By providing us with the same, you acknowledge and accept that we have your consent for the collection and processing of such Personal Data. Our possession and use of Personal Data shall be in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms.
a. Access to Your Account:You are responsible for all activity that happens on or through your account. To protect your account, keep your password confidential. Do not reuse your account password with other services. If you forget your password and otherwise cannot validate your account to ShopCardd, you acknowledge and agree that your account may be inaccessible to you and that all data associated with the account may not be retrievable. b. Notices, ShopCardd may provide you with notices, including service announcements and notices regarding changes to these Terms, by, but not limited to, email, regular mail, text message or SMS, MMS, push notification or in-app message, postings on the Services, telephone, or other reasonable means now known or hereafter developed. You consent to receive these notices by any and all of the foregoing means. You may not receive notices if you violate the Terms by accessing the Products & Services in an unauthorized manner, and you will be deemed to have received any and all notices that would have been delivered had you accessed the Products &Services in an authorized manner.

1. We respect the intellectual property as well as privacy of others, and we expect our users to do the same in respect to their use of and activities on the ShopCardd platform. While a substantial amount of content on the ShopCardd platform is user generated over which we do not exercise editorial control, we may, in appropriate circumstances and at our sole discretion subject to applicable law, block access to such content or delete such content, or disable, terminate, and/or take other appropriate steps relating to the accounts of users who may be infringers. While we do not make any editorial determination about the user generated content being posted and displayed and made accessible on the ShopCardd platform, if: (i) we receive any notice or communication that any content or any part of the content belongs to a party who has not consented to such content being uploaded and accessible on the ShopCardd platform or that it is volatile of the rights of any person who has not consented to such content being uploaded and accessible on the ShopCardd platform. (ii) it comes to our attention that any of the content violates any of the terms and conditions applicable to the ShopCardd platform, we shall be entitled to remove such content or block public access to such content either temporarily or permanently, subject to the provisions of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, and the Information Technology Act, 2000, and as we deem fit or in compliance with the orders or directions of the court (if applicable) and we shall have the right, at our discretion, to remove the infringer’s account, and in either case none of our users, partners, clients or vendors (including you) shall have no right to make any claims against us for removing or blocking such content.

2. Reporting Claims of Copyright Infringement If you believe that your work (or the work of a third party on whose behalf you are entitled to act) has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please file a copyright infringement notice with us. The notice should be in writing and include, in the order set out below, the following:
a. A statement that you have identified material on the Platform that infringes your copyright (or infringes the copyright of a third party on whose behalf you are entitled to act), b. A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, which should include the type of work (such as a book or a sound recording) and any relevant further details (such as the title and date of publication, as applicable).
c. The country or countries to which your copyright applies.
d. A description of the way in which the copyright material has been infringed, e. A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on our Products & services including a screen shot and link to the same.
f. Your address, telephone number, and email address so that we may get in contact with you.
g. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted work is not authorized by the copyright owner or by a third party who is legally entitled to do so on behalf of the copyright owner and is not otherwise permitted by law.
h. A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.
3. Reporting claims of violation of other personal rights If you believe that any Content on the Platform is volatile of your or that of someone you know and are authorized to act for privacy or other personal rights please follow the following instructions.
a. A statement that you have identified material on the Platform that infringes your copyright {or infringes the copyright of a third party on whose behalf you are entitled to act}.
b. A description of the way in which the copyright material has been infringed.
c. A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on our services (including a screen shot);
d. Your address, telephone number, and email address so that we may get in contact with you.
e. A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the notice is accurate.
4. A complaint can be submitted by contacting us at support@shopcardd.com please be sure to include responses to items a-h of Clause (2) above (if the complaint is regarding copyright infringement) or a-b of Clause (3) above (if the complaint is regarding the violation of other personal rights). If you are unsure whether there has been an infringement of your copyright or about your rights in the material, we suggest that you seek legal advice before reporting the material to us or sending us a counter-notice. Our response to your notice is regulated by applicable law. There may be negative consequences if you falsely allege copyright infringement or report material to us in bad faith. In addition, we may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, disable, terminate, and or take other appropriate steps relating to the accounts of users who may be repeat infringers.

Content in the Products & Services and License Grant to ShopCardd
Our Products & Services display content that is not ShopCardd’s. This content is the sole responsibility of the entity or person that makes it available. ShopCardd assumes no responsibility for the conduct of third parties, including persons or entities with which you communicate using the Products & Services. Many of the products & Services enable you to submit content. You or not ShopCardd is entirely responsible for any content that you upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available via the Products & Services. We may remove and refuse to display content that violates the Terms or applicable laws or regulations, but that does not mean that we monitor the Products & Services or review or screen any content. By using or accessing the Products & Services you understand and agree that you may be exposed to offensive, indecent, or objectionable content.
IP ownership and license grant, Except as otherwise provided in the specific guidelines for a Product & Service, when you upload, share with or submit content to the products & Services you retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content and you automatically grant ShopCardd a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, sub licensable license to (a) use, host, store, reproduce, modify, prepare derivative works {such as translations, adaptations, summaries or other changes}, communicate, publish, promote, publicly perform, publicly display, and distribute this content {in whole or in part, and or incorporate in any other works}in any manner, mode of delivery, technology or media now known or developed in the future. Display your Content {or part thereof, or any modification, adaptations, translations or derivative works thereto} online and offline and permit other {including without limitation ShopCardd’s co-brand partners}.
Permit other users to access, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, prepare derivative works of, and publicly perform your content via the Products & Services, as may be permitted by the functionality of those Products& Services (e.g. for users to re-blog, re-post or download your content). You must have the necessary rights to grant us the license described in this Section 6(b) for any content that you upload, share with or submit to the Products & Services.

We are constantly innovating, changing and improving the Products & Services. We may, without notice, add or remove functionalities or features, create new limits to the Products & Services, or temporarily or permanently suspend or stop a product & service.
c. You can stop using the Products & Services at any time. You may cancel and delete your account at any time here. However, you continuing to use the web application & app constitute your consent to us collecting data, mentioned within the terms, and processing the same.
d. You can withdraw consent to the use and/or processing of your personal data by contacting us at support@shopcardd.com and we shall remove the same shortly.
e. We may temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate your account or impose limits on or restrict your access to parts or all of the Services at any time, without notice and for any reason, including, but not limited to, violation of these Terms, court order, or inactivity.
f. If your account is terminated, access to your username, password, and all related information, files, and content associated with your account may be terminated and your username may be recycled for use by others. However, some information may be retained in our files to prevent fraud, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our Terms of Use and/or comply with legal requirements.
g. We may amend these Terms at any time by informing you of the amended terms via email to your email address. Such amendments will be effective when we email a notice of the amendments to you.
h. Alternatively or additionally, we may display amended terms to you when you access the Platform, in which case such terms shall be effective when they are posted on the Platform.

Force Majeure
Without prejudice to any other provision herein, ShopCardd shall not be liable for any loss, damage or penalty as a result of any delay in or failure to deliver or otherwise perform hereunder due to any cause beyond ShopCardd’s control, including, without limitation, acts of the User or other Users, embargo or other governmental act, regulation or request affecting the conduct of ShopCardd’s business, fire, explosion, accident, theft, vandalism, riot, acts of war, strikes or other labour difficulties, lightning, flood, windstorm or other acts of god.

Our Warranties and Disclaimers
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, ShopCardd, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, partners, licensors and distributors (collectively “ShopCardd entities”) do not make any representations, promises, or warranties, express or implied, about the services. we provide our services “as-is,” “with all faults,” and “as available.” your use of the services, including content within the services, is at your own risk and we do not represent, promise, or warrant that the services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. You understand and agree that no data transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be secure, and ShopCardd expressly disclaims any warranties, express or implied, to that effect. We make no commitments, promises or warranties about the content within the services or content linked from the services, the support we provide for the services, the specific functions of the services, the security of the services, or the services’ reliability, quality, accuracy, availability, or ability to meet your needs, provide certain outputs or achieve certain results. a. Some jurisdictions provide for certain implied warranties, such as the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim any and all implied or express promises or warranties about the services

Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree and understand that ShopCardd entities will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, treble or other multiples of damages, exemplary or punitive damages arising from or in connection with these terms or your use of the services & products. ShopCardd entities are not responsible for any lost profits, lost revenues, lost business opportunities, diminution in value, including any alleged loss or diminution in value of personal information, or any other losses {collectively, “losses”} arising from or in connection with these terms or your use of or access to the services & products, including, but not limited to, losses resulting from or in connection with the deletion of, alteration of, no-delivery of, or failure to store data maintained or transmitted by the products & services, the limiting, suspension or termination of your account, your downloading or sharing of information, including personal information, via the prooducts & services, the unauthorized access to your account or any data maintained or transmitted by the services & products, links provided by the products & services or third parties to external sites or resources; your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found on or through the products & services, or any good or services sold by such advertisers. ShopCardd entities will not be liable for problems caused by others, the wrongful or unlawful actions of third parties, or an act of god. The limitations and exclusions in these terms will apply whether or notShopCardd has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any losses arising.
a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ShopCardd entities are not liable in connection with any disputes that arise out of or relate to these terms or services for any amount greater than the amount you paid to us for the Products & services.

Direct Payment Facility
1. The user may, if easier, opt to make direct payment of such purchase price to ShopCardd for the purchased goods or services {“Direct Payment Facility”}. In the event that you make any payment in the above-mentioned manner ShopCardd shall be deemed to be the agent of the respective merchant authorized to collect such purchase price from you on behalf of the merchant.
2. Any and all communication by ShopCardd or the merchant regarding the Direct Payment Facility, whether to ShopCardd users, your customers or clients, our respective vendors, employees or agents, governmental authorities or any other person or entity whatsoever shall clearly indicate that ShopCardd is acting purely as an agent in relation to the Direct Payment Facility

About these Terms
b) Third Party Beneficiaries and conflicts. These terms control the relationship between ShopCardd and you. They do not create any third party beneficiary rights. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between the terms in this document and the additional terms associated with a particular product & service, the additional terms will control solely for that conflict or inconsistency.
c) Modification of the Terms. We may modify the terms from time to time to keep in compliance with current law as well any future legislation that aim to protect information and privacy. Unless we indicate otherwise, modifications will be effective as of the date they are posted on this page or any successor page. You should look at the terms regularly. We will provide notice {in accordance with Section 3{c} above of material modifications.
d) Continued use of the products and services. You may stop using the product & services at any time, but your continued use of or membership or subscription to a product & service after the effective date of any modifications to the terms means that you agree to the terms as modified as well as consent to ShopCardd’s collection and processing of user data.
e) Waiver and severability of terms. The failure of ShopCardd to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision or part of a provision of these terms is found to be invalid, ShopCardd and you nevertheless agree to give effect to the intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
f) Assignment by ShopCardd. ShopCardd may freely assign these terms and all of the policies and other documents incorporated or referenced in it [including all rights, licenses, and obligations under it or them], in whole or in part and without notice, for any reason, including for the purpose of internal restructuring mergers or liquidations.

I. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ShopCardd and all ShopCardd entities from and against all claims and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising out of, related to, or in connection with any of the following: [1]Any user content submitted or posted by you on the platform, or any use of the platform in violation of these terms of use,[2] fraud you commit or your intentional misconduct or gross negligence or [3] your violation of any applicable laws or rights of a third-party.
II. You are solely responsible for your interactions with merchants as well as other users on the platform. to the extent permitted under applicable laws, you hereby release ShopCardd from any and all claims or liability related to any product or service of a merchant or ShopCardd, without limitation, but not limited to any harm caused to you by action or inaction of a merchant, a merchant’s failure to comply with applicable law and any conduct, speech or user content, whether online or offline, of any other third-party.

Grievance Redressal and Dispute Resolution
a) ShopCardd is not liable for any infringement of copyright arising out of materials posted on or transmitted through the website, or items advertised on the website or app, by end users or any other third parties. In the event you have any grievance in relation to any content uploaded on the website or app you may contact our grievance department. To mr.Niyaz
C/o MohdNaimuddinMohdQamruddin, Near Nagoba Temple TelipuraBajeria,Nagpur, 440018. Maharashtra, India
b) If you believe that ShopCardd has not adhered to this privacy policy; you may write to shopcardd.com at the following e-mail. support@shocardd.com in the email, please describe as much detail as possible ways in which you believe the Privacy policy has not been complied with. We will investigate your complaint within reasonable period of time.
c) We will do our best to resolve any disputes about these terms of use. If you wish to bring a legal claim against us, these terms, as well as all user activity on the ShopCardd platform shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India.
d) You agree that all claims, differences or disputes arising under or in connection with or in relation hereto the ShopCardd online /offline platform, The terms, relating to or in connection with these terms, or transactions entered into on or through ShopCardd, or any content uploaded on the ShopCardd said platform or the relationship between user and ShopCardd shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Nagpur and the user hereby accedes to and accepts the jurisdiction of such courts.

Cancellation and refund policy
a) Cancellation due to reasons not attributable to ShopCardd, that is, in the event you provide incorrect phone numbers, delivery address, or that you were unresponsive while either of our team or the rider team tried to reach out or, not reachable or unavailable during the delivery of the products and services offered to you, shall be non-refundable in nature.
b) There may be cases where ShopCardd is either unable to accept your order or cancels the order, due to reasons including without limitation, technical errors, unavailability of the item ordered, or any other reason attributable to ShopCardd, merchant tor partner stores or delivery partners. In such cases, ShopCardd shall not charge a cancellation charge from you. If the order is canceled after payment has been charged, you are eligible for a refund of the order value or any part thereof; the said amount will be reversed to you.
c) No replacement / refund / or any other resolution will be provided without merchant partner store’s permission. We will need to verify the details from the store before we proceed with any refund.
d) Any complaint, with respect to the order which shall include instances but not be limited to food spillage, foreign objects in food, delivery of the wrong order or food and beverages or products, poor quality, you will be required to share the proof of the same before any resolution can be provided. In the absence of the proof, ShopCardd will not consider the request as valid request and refund or replacement will not be provided in such cases.
e) You shall not be entitled to a refund in case instructions placed along with the order are not followed in the form and manner you had intended. Instructions are followed by the merchant partner stores on a best efforts basis.
f) All refunds shall be processed in the same manner as they are received, unless refunds have been provided to you in the form of credits, refund amount will reflect in your account based on respective banks policies standard.
i. Notwithstanding the generality of the terms of use, these terms and conditions specifically apply to the purchase services.
ii. In case of purchase services, it is the duty of the tied-up merchants to share an updated item list along with its prices on the platform. ShopCardd shall not be responsible for any inaccurate item listing on the platform. Further, users agree and acknowledge that it may not be possible for the tied-up merchants to list out the exact price or prices of certain items including those that are perishable in nature on the platform.

Medicine Purchase
Users purchasing any medicines/pharmaceutical or wellness product, using the platform, for which a valid prescription from a registered medical practitioner is required, will have to upload the corresponding prescription. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that a clear copy of the valid prescription is uploaded while initiating the transaction, failing which, ShopCardd reserves the right to terminate the purchase service, and initiate appropriate action against the user at its sole discretion.

Alcohol Purchase
i. In designated states where permitted (the “designated states”), ShopCardd may facilitate the listing and sales of alcoholic beverages from tied-up merchants having obtained the necessary licenses and corresponding delivery by delivery partners in compliance with the applicable excise rules/policies (the “excise policies”) in such designated state.
ii. Only users that are over twenty one (21) years of age or such higher age as may be specified in the excise policies are permitted to avail the purchase services with respect to alcoholic beverages. In this regard, the user agrees to undergo and complete the mandatory age verification process on the platform, by furnishing the requisite documents, before the purchase. Users undertake to provide valid and legible documents for the purpose of verification, failing which they will not be allowed to access the platform for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. Users shall be solely liable as to the veracity of the documents provided by them. ShopCardd undertakes no liability in this regard.
iii. Users may also be required to provide appropriate proof of age at the time of item delivery. ShopCardd reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the purchase service if appropriate documents have not been provided, and in the event appropriate proof is not provided at the time of delivery, to terminate the transaction with no refunds to the user.
iv. Upon placing an order for alcoholic beverages on the platform, the users will receive a onetime password (OTP), which is mandatorily required to be provided to the delivery partner at the time of delivery. If the OTP is not provided, or is incorrect at the time of delivery, ShopCardd reserves the right to terminate the transaction with no refunds to the user. Users undertake that they will not share the OTP with any person below the legal drinking age to collect the delivery on their behalf.
v. Users shall ensure that no purchase services are initiated: For delivery in or within a specific distance (as prescribed under applicable law) from public locations, such as educational institutions, religious places, places of worship, hospitals, healthcare establishments, etc.; and Or quantities in excess of the permissible limit as per the extant excise policies or such other limits as may be intimated by ShopCardd from time to time.
vi. If the user is not physically present or is unreachable once the delivery partner reaches the designated delivery location, for a period in excess of Twenty (20) minutes, ShopCardd reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the transaction with no refunds to the user.

Tobacco purchase
i. ShopCardd facilitates the listing and sale of tobacco and tobacco products by tied-up merchants and the corresponding delivery by delivery partners to users that are over eighteen (18) years of age or such higher age as may be specified under applicable law. In this regard, the user agrees to undergo and complete the mandatory age verification process on the platform, by furnishing the requisite documents, before the purchase. Users undertake to provide valid and legible documents for the purpose of verification, failing which they will not be allowed to access the platform for the purchase of tobacco products. Users shall be solely liable as to the veracity of the documents provided by them. ShopCardd undertakes no liability in this regard.
ii. Users may also be required to provide appropriate proof of age at the time of delivery. ShopCardd reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the purchase service if appropriate documents have not been provided, and in the event appropriate proof is not provided at the time of delivery, to terminate the transaction with no refunds to the user.
iii. Users shall ensure that no purchase services are initiated for delivery in or within a specific distance (as prescribed under applicable law) from public locations, such as educational institutions, religious places, places of worship, hospitals, healthcare establishments, etc.

Payment Terms;
While initiating a request for a purchase service, users shall pay for the price of the items as indicated on the platform upfront. The transaction for the purchase service will be initiated on the platform once the payment has been completed. In certain exceptional circumstances, where the purchase price of the item is not available on the platform or items that are perishable in nature or item whose price varies periodically or where the user is offered an alternate item when the original item is not in stock, the delivery partner upon reaching the merchant outlet shall intimate user about the item price and user shall be required to confirm the purchase of the item and make the payment for the same to complete the transaction, however if user do not confirm the purchase of the item and do not make payment for the item, user shall pay such fees as may be communicated to you on the platform for the efforts of the delivery partner.